Sunday, August 14, 2011


Soooo...I'm moving to Austin, Texas.
I've always hated moving, because growing up, my sisters and I lived with my dad and we moved a lot. My dad and I would always move the big stuff and I would always end up sweaty, stinky and sporting about a dozen bruises by the end of the whole ordeal. This time, half of my stuff has been packed for about a year and a half, just because I knew I'd be moving again.

There are eleven boxes (that have been packed away forever) filled with just books. Eleven! I then had to pack two more with the books I've bought since moving in. I haven't been in those eleven boxes in a long time and I think that I'll have to go through them and give some away.

This always makes me emotional and I'm never ever able to get rid of more than a dozen or so. But this time...thirteen boxes of books is just too many. Especially since I know I won't read a lot of them again. Does anyone else have a problem giving away their books, even if they don't read them anymore? Do you donate them to a library or sell them to a used bookstore?

1 comment:

  1. whoa you have a blog...who knew?

    anywayses, I usually donate mine to friends and family first...then I go to libraries or Goodwill.

    However, I have an equally awesome alternative for you. Goodreads offers a book swap program

    You can also access it from the entry for any book. Where it says 'Get a copy" under the summary information. There's an option for 'Swap'. Here there will be any/all people looking for a copy of that book. You can send them a request, offering a book you have for their book. If they approve it, you send them yours. They send theirs. And voila!! You've traded a gently used, much loved old book for something you wanted anyway. I haven't tried it yet, but I've been meaning to.
