Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Moving on...

Hi, guys! I know it's been a 'hot minute' since I've posted last, but this will be my last post at this blog. I've moved here...

I hope you'll drop by!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Blogger...'re being a bitch. Please. Check yourself, before you wreck yourself.

I'll try posting again tomorrow.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Soooo...I'm moving to Austin, Texas.
I've always hated moving, because growing up, my sisters and I lived with my dad and we moved a lot. My dad and I would always move the big stuff and I would always end up sweaty, stinky and sporting about a dozen bruises by the end of the whole ordeal. This time, half of my stuff has been packed for about a year and a half, just because I knew I'd be moving again.

There are eleven boxes (that have been packed away forever) filled with just books. Eleven! I then had to pack two more with the books I've bought since moving in. I haven't been in those eleven boxes in a long time and I think that I'll have to go through them and give some away.

This always makes me emotional and I'm never ever able to get rid of more than a dozen or so. But this time...thirteen boxes of books is just too many. Especially since I know I won't read a lot of them again. Does anyone else have a problem giving away their books, even if they don't read them anymore? Do you donate them to a library or sell them to a used bookstore?

Monday, August 1, 2011

A Long Overdue Realization

I read a lot of author's blogs. A lot of them are a great mix of both humor, info, and just insight into their lives. And I think that it's important to read other author's words, not just their fiction, but their lives as well. How else will you know what another writer does when she is stuck and who knows exactly what you're going through, right?


My problem is, I get envious. Why isn't my life full of stories to share? Why am I so isolated and stuck in a room with nothing but a laptop and a cold cup of coffee? Why don't I have writerly friends to hang out with and shoot the breeze with? Huh?? HUH?? Why is life is so UNFAIR?!


Oh,'s because I don't do anything about it. I realized that today, as I'm reading about authors' get-togethers, book deal announcements, and general life. It sounds so obvious right? So right now, I'm going to make myself a goal. I will find a writing group, once I'm officially in Austin, and make those friends and create those experiences. Not just so I have more fodder for the blog, but so I can have that richer, more fulfilled life I'm so envious of.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

And, lo, change happened...

Sooooo...lots of stuff has happened. I got a new laptop. (Yay!) Saw Harry Potter twice!! And I'm making the big move to Austin, TX, my favorite place. I'm here now, staying at a friend's house for another two weeks or so, looking for a job and a place to live. It's tough, but I'm happy to finally be living on my own and working again. Stay tuned!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth!!

Yesterday, I went with my lovely friend Fiona and her little boy Dash and Erin, Sean and their little boy Mason to see the fireworks at Tybee. And let me tell you, it was so much fun! We had sandwiches and chips and hummus and veg. And sand and saltwater and sun and more sand...but it was a blast!
The fireworks were really inspiring, it sounds cliche, I know! I just imagined a dark figure running across the rooftops, brilliant colors bursting in the night behind him. The fire so close it singes the clothing and burns exposed skin. The heat adding to the adrenaline coursing through that persons veins as he or she makes an escape.

Wow. My muse is back from vacation! (Can you tell I'm reading Heist Society?)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Excerpt from a WIP

When I'm writing, I always feel like I'm forcing something and my writer's voice sounds so stilted. I think that's why I procrastinate so much. Here's an excerpt, from a WIP (from about a month ago).

The morning light flickered through the window and a crisp breeze blew in. Roxie winced at the prickly breeze on her naked arms. She sighed and wiggled down and arms tightened around her. Hot lips pressed against her neck and a deep chuckle followed. Roxie's eyes flew open as she shot straight up. In her haste to get away from the strange man, she tangled herself in the sheets and fell out of bed.
The man just rolled over and said sleepily, “Are you late for work or something?” There was a loud yawn and then he continued.
“Just call in, Toby won't mind.”
Roxie went still. The voice was familiar and he knew who her manager was. She couldn't make her brain work. Slowly she peeked over the bed. All that was visible was a sliver of toned skin and one of her pillows. The body moved and she ducked back down. Trying to think back to last night was proving to be harder than she thought. There was a party...and lots of alcohol. A grimace pulled at her mouth. She could normally keep control when drinking, so what was different about last night?
Roxie let out a frustrated noise and crawled to her closet to find some clothes. When she let the sheets drop, she found she was in her favorite pajamas and a flimsy camisole. Her cheeks colored, feeling stupid for hiding a body that hadn't needed it. With one more peek at the hidden, slightly-familiar man, she left the room.

(Sorry about the formatting...the blockquotes kinda suck!)